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What Is A Soccer Field Called?
What is a soccer field called? A soccer field is commonly referred to as a pitch around the world. The word “pitch” is the area of the field where the game of soccer is played but doesn’t include the grass area around the field.
Soccer is a truly international sport played in countries all around the world. From the deserts of the middle east to the dirt streets of South America, you will see people of all ages playing the beautiful game. It doesn’t require expensive gear or a specific place to practice. All you need is a ball, cleats and shin guards are optional.
Do you know what a soccer field is called? Most people would say “field,” but that’s not actually correct. A soccer field is officially called a “pitch.” But why is it called a pitch? And where did the word come from? Let’s take a closer look.

What Is on A Soccer Field?
The soccer field is a large grass or artificial turf area that is marked with painted lines or chalk to designate certain areas on the field or pitch for certain things. For example, each sideline is marked by a touchline that is used to tell when the ball is out of bounds.
Each end of the field is marked by a goal line and a goal. The goal line is what determines if there is a goal or not based on whether or not the ball crosses the goal line.
There is also the center line, center circle, goal areas, penalty areas, and more that have their own place in the game.
What Is the Field of Play Called in Soccer?
Most people know that soccer is played on a large field with two goals at either end. But did you know that this field has a unique name? It’s called the pitch! The pitch is usually made of grass, but it can also be made of artificial turf.
The pitch size can vary depending on the level of the game being played. For example, professional pitches must be between 100 and 110 yards long, while amateur pitches can be any size.
So next time you’re watching a soccer game, don’t forget to look for the pitch!
What Is A Soccer Field Called In England?
In England, a soccer field is typically called a “pitch.” This comes from the word “pitch,” which means “a piece of land on which a game or sport is played.” The term was originally used for cricket fields, as that is where the game of cricket originated. Soccer began to be played on these cricket pitches, and so the name stuck.
Why Is the Soccer Field Called a Pitch?
A soccer field is referred to as the pitch because the game of soccer/football originated in England. In the game’s early days, it was common to play on whatever field or grassy area was there. This was sometimes a cricket pitch. The word pitch is typically used to refer to an area on the ground marked to play a game.
In this case, the soccer pitch is outlined with goal lines and touch lines to make a playable area for the game to be played.

What Do Americans Call Pitches?
In the United States, the word pitch is often referring to the game of baseball where the pitcher throws a “pitch” which is throwing a baseball over the plate where another player can attempt to hit it.
Is an American Football Field Called a Pitch?
In the United States, an American football field is not called a pitch but rather a football field. It is not the same as a football/soccer pitch used around the world as it is smaller and has different lines and markings.
The professional American football field used by the NFL is 360 feet long and 160 feet wide. This field is the same size for high school soccer programs, college, and the professional level.
What Is Stadium Pitch?
A football or soccer pitch is the part of the field where soccer is played. The playing surface’s size and markings are outlined in Law 1 of the Laws of the Game.
Is a Soccer Field the Same as A Football Field?
The short answer is no, a soccer field is not the same as a football field. In fact, they are quite different in terms of size, shape, and markings. A soccer field must be rectangular in shape, with dimensions of between 110 and 120 yards long and 70 to 80 yards wide.
It must also be flat and level, with no more than a slight slope. In contrast, a football field can be either oval or rectangular in shape. The dimensions are also larger, with a minimum length of 360 feet and a width of 160 feet.
In addition, the playing surface of a football field can be either natural grass or artificial turf. As you can see, there are many differences between a soccer field and a football field.

Is a Soccer Field Bigger than A Football Field?
Yes, a soccer pitch or sometimes referred to as a soccer field is bigger than a professional American football field.
What Is the Difference Between a Soccer Field and A Soccer Pitch?
There is no difference between a soccer field and a soccer pitch. It really is just a difference in terminology based on geography. In most of the world, the game of soccer is played on a pitch. This typically refers to the playable area of the stadium. In the United States, the game of soccer is played on a soccer field. There is really no difference between the two other than the name.
What Does It Mean on Or Off the Pitch?
The term on the pitch or off the pitch refers to whether the ball or a player is on or off the playing field. If the ball or player goes out of bounds, they are said to be off the pitch. If the ball or player is on the field and within the boundaries, they are considered to be on the pitch.
The phrase can also refer to a team’s performance. For example, a team that is losing might be said to be having an off day or an off-pitch performance.
Here are some common questions about a soccer pitch:
How Big is a Soccer Pitch?
A soccer pitch must be rectangular in shape and between 110 and 120 yards long and 70 to 80 yards wide.
How Many Lines are There on a Soccer Pitch?
There are a variety of different lines on a soccer pitch that outline different areas on the field. The main two types of lines on a soccer pitch, are goal lines and touchlines. The goal lines are located at each end of the field and the touchlines run along the length of the pitch to mark where the out-of-bounds area starts and the field stops.
The other lines on the field mark out rectangles for the penalty area, circles to mark the center of the field and some other markings for other things.
- The goal line is the line at each end of the pitch. The soccer goal is placed on this goal line and a goal is scored when the ball crosses this line and goes into the net.
- The touch lines run the length of the soccer pitch. When the ball goes over this line, the ball is out of bounds. The ball is thrown back in to continue the match.
- The center line is the line that runs across the pitch from the touchline to the touchline in the middle between the two goal lines. This is also sometimes referred to as the halfway line.

What Is the Middle of A Soccer Field Called?
It is common for coaches, players, and announcers to talk about the soccer pitch in thirds. Basically, the pitch is divided up into thirds for each team. The three sections are the defensive third, the midfield sometimes referred to as the “controlling third”, and then the attacking third.
The middle of a soccer field is in the midfield or the “controlling third” and is marked by the center or halfway line and has the center circle.
What Is the Circle on A Soccer Field Called?
The circle in the middle of the field is called the center circle. This is a 20-yard diameter circle with a mark in the center. This mark is called the center mark. The soccer match or game starts at the center circle where the ball is kicked off. The game comes back to the center circle after a goal is scored.
Final Thoughts
In summary, a soccer field is called a pitch because that is what it has been referred to historically. The word pitch is used to describe the playing surface of a game and can be used for other sports besides soccer. A soccer pitch is rectangular in shape and is larger than a football field. There are also different lines that help to outline different areas of the field such as the goal line, touchline, and center line.
What you choose to call it is going to be because of where you grew up, live, or what part of the world you are from. There is no right or wrong answer and both terms can be used interchangeably.